September Mood

Fall is my favorite time of the year. I think it’s a lot of people’s, and even with the knowledge that I’m jumping on the bandwagon and going mainstream, I still love it.

It’s the time when we can start wearing long sweaters, fluffy blankets, and sweatpants. I can finally start drinking my hot tea without feeling like I’m going to die from the heat. Basically everything that I love can all start happening again.

But it’s not just the comforts of Fall that I love–it’s the feeling.

The air feels crisp, and there’s a particular type of smell floating around. It’s not life, because that’s Spring, it’s more like decay and death, I suppose. Or if you want to think about it in a less gruesome way, it’s the smell signaling an end, and getting us ready for a new beginning.

I always feel like I can do anything when Fall comes around. Move to New York and become a struggling writer? DO IT! Go on an adventure with a friend? DO IT! Finally become the adult that I’ve been pretending to be for the last few years? DO IT….or at least try.

Even though Fall is fleeting, I always savor it. I put on the big sweaters and the comfy leggings. I drink my hot tea with both hands wrapped around the mug. I drag myself to the local coffee shop, my computer and headphones in tow. For a few moments, I become the person I want to be.

The trick is hanging onto that person and feeling.

Not everything is warm sweaters or hot tea. I know that, but I guess what I’m saying is now that September is here and is ushering in Fall, I’m going to hold onto it for as long as I can. Even when November brings dark skies and December snows me in.

