high af

So there I am, sitting in the chair waiting for my wisdom teeth to be removed when one of the nurses recognizes my Flash shirt. She asked if I had seen Endgame, and I said I had. She then said that it wasn’t in theaters anymore, which I knew to be untrue, but I was a little busy trying not to panic about the needle that was about to get jabbed in my arm.

I wanted to tell her that she’s wrong about the movie, but it was too late and I was knocked out by the IV sedation. Seconds (really 30 minutes) later, I wake up and see that same nurse and mom. They’re talking, but all I can think about is Endgame. So after a few minutes of them telling me to breath through my nose, I finally tell in her through a mouthful of blood and gauze that she needs to look again, Endgame is still there, just sold out for weeks.

She started chatting about superhero movies and used a Marvel and DC character interchangeably, which bugged me in a fogged out way so I blurted out, “DC is garbage.” Mom and the nurse laughed at me, but unfortunately for me, my mouth was too full for me to explain that the DCCU has been garbage, but I actually love a bunch of the characters….like the Flash, whose shirt I was currently wearing.

So now I’m left with the regret that the nurse thinks I’m a moron who hates DC, but clearly doesn’t know the Flash is part of the DC universe.

Also my lips and chin are completely numb. So that sucks too.